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Once I had a little coon pet,

That was captured in the wood,

He seemed with me contented,

And ate his daily food.


At night I kept him in the barn,

Where he was sheltered from the storm,

And thinking there he would be,

Safe til the coming for the morn.


But one morning when I went,

To feed him as I usually had done,

I found his little bed vacated,

And my little coon was gone.


Whether he was taken,

By some wicked person and carried away,

Or whether he went of his own will,

Is not for me to say.


But he is gone from where I left him,

But his little bed remains there still,

Hoping someday I get him back

And his little bed to fill.


He disappeared mysteriously,

To some parts unknown,

And to where he’s gone,

I know not, nor what his destiny will be.

I Had A Little Coon

This poem was written for Althea Smith when she had a pet coon that was caught by her brother, Kennth Smith. This poem was written by Alvah Gammon - her Great Uncle.

Original poem as written

A birthday party invite from Carmen for her 7th birthday - in 1970. Invitation was saved in Nanny's scrapbook


Raymond Allen Eulogy

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