Beautiful 3 story Victorian style doll house. 9 Rooms, 1 balcony, 2 porches and LOTS of furnishings. 28" deep with bay windows, 38.5" wide and 43" tall. Includes all furnishing pictured in house. $1500 or BO. Located in Bridgton.
Please call Betty @ 647-2143 for more info.

Lewis L. Keen was born in Waterford, ME on May 15, 1883. This book is his work, written in 1958-1959. Lewis takes you back over one hundred years to share his memories of Waterford and the way of life for a boy growing up on a Maine farm. His love of people, family, nature and education is evident in his stories
He wrote about the history of Waterford, Temple Hill and McWain Pond. He fondly recalls the people, by name, from his youth that inspired and fascinated him. He recalls the places in Waterford “Flat” and “City”, Norway, Bridgton, Paris and more that were a thrill to visit in his younger days.
Boyhood Life on a Maine Farm is a rambling series of memories that will take you back in time. He was wise beyond his years as he speaks philosophically about life then and how it has changed by the time he wrote this book. A must read for anyone from the Waterford ME region or those interested in its history.
If interested in purchasing a book, please contact Kim at (207) 807-3946. Books are $15.00. A copy can also be purchased at the 207 Trading Co in Bridgton, ME. A copy can also be mailed to you for an addition $2.00 postage fee.